I absolutely did not come up with this on my own. I got this list off of a great website. http://katherinemariephotography.com/blog/archives/7783
I love the idea as too many people become self centered and what-not. This is something I will be doing with my children. We will pick at least 1 act of kindness to do. I am thinking that we will follow suit of this blogger and pick a "type" of kindness each month and go from that list.
Week ONE: SURPRISE! Anonymously leave a note, treat, artwork and/or gift for a stranger.
Week TWO: CREATE! Select a project that inspires childhood CREATIVITY!
Week THREE: GIVE! Pick a way to give that spreads LOVE, JOY and ENCOURAGMENT.
Week FOUR: SERVE! Find a way to help others with your ACTIONS! (Volunteering & Community Service)
Week FIVE: THANK! Develop a way to express appreciation and gratitude to those who make our world a better place.
-deliver handmade valentines to nursing home
-take get well balloons to hospital and leave with nurse for someone who is alone
-leave bus or taxi fare for stranger
-pack zip locks care packages for salvation army—include tooth brushes, tooth paste and deodorant
-plant a roll of nickels with hand written note at children’s play place
-buy a copy of our favorite children’s book and leave in waiting room
-play florist and leave small flower vases on doorsteps of strangers
-deliver basket with popcorn and candy to video rental store… ask employee to give to someone who looks like they may need a bit of cheer
-pick name from phone book and mail them a happy note and two dollar bill
-leave stamps and a note by the mailbox inside the post office
-arrange for kids art work and carnation flowers to be delivered with meals on wheels volunteer
-have kids color and design a joke book and leave in waiting room at hospital or doctors office
-deliver kid-made get well cards with ribbon and lotion to cancer center
-make a stationary kit with envelopes, fun papers, stickers and postage stamps and have kids deliver to nursing home
-leave kid-made book marks in books at library
-color kindness bumper sticker and leave at community board at the library
-make small birthday bags with balloons, horns, candy, stickers and leave in public place—include a TAKE THIS IF IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY note
-put together a salon kit with nail polish, lotion and glitter for young girl at shelter or hospital
-host a BAND-AID drive then create kid-friendly first aid kids for the children at the shelter
-make a KIDS CREATE BOX with glue sticks, paper and art supplies to leave at shelter
-donate blood
-send box of candy and small toys (bouncy balls, bracelets) to IRAQ… soldier will pass out to kiddos while on patrol
-give a bit of fun by setting up a free face painting booth and/or hot cocoa booth
-deliver a goodies basket for assisted living facilities staff and employees
-have an extra large tip ready, order pizza and leave the tip regardless of service
-hand out helium balloons with happy notes to strangers who pass by
-give free sodas and bottled water to folks on a sweltering day
-send a box of chocolates to school custodians
-buy a fresh box of Krispie Creams and give to city workers
-drop off a new stuffed animal to fire department so that they have one on hand for child who may be in need
-door holding patrol: find a busy place and hold open doors for 15 minutes
-family sponsored food drive
-prepare and serve lunch at shelter
-ask ten people if we can take back their shopping carts
-road side trash pick up
-visit assisted living center and have older children read to patients
-invite someone who might be alone over for a special home-cooked meal
-collect canned goods for food pantry
-teach photography to kids
-see how many friends we can get to become organ donors
-design a kindness THANK YOU poster for someone and hang it somewhere in public where they will see it
-leave thank you note and small gift for recycle and trash collectors
-write heartfelt note to manager telling about a friendly employee
-“thank you for serving me” packs- small bags of wrapped chocolates with kind words… leave for bank tellers, cashiers, servers…
-write five thank you notes to people that have touched our lives in small, yet meaningful ways
-treats for school bus drivers
-prepare baked goods for government employees
-honor a personal hero
-send handmade cards to officers at local police station… signed, a thankful citizen
-send thank yous to lunch staff at the high school
-care package with ground coffee and treats to soldier in Afghanistan
-leave a note thanking someone for all of their hard work whether it be on making their yard a beautiful place to look at on a walk, a library worker, doctor, nurse, etc...
Please leave comments with more ideas!
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